philipwhitcombe: Springtime along the Beltline Trail, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-winged Blackbird, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Female Red-winged Blackbird, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Willow in spring display, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Maple blossoms, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Gadwall pair vacuuming midges from the surface of Lake Ontario
philipwhitcombe: Gadwall pair vacuuming midges from the surface of Lake Ontario
philipwhitcombe: The Lost Mitten Tree beside the Humber River, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Dawn Redwoods (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) in Kew Gardens, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Dawn Redwoods (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) in Kew Gardens, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Muskoka Chairs by Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Double-crested Cormorant flying over Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Barn Swallow, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Baltimore Oriole, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Baltimore Oriole, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-necked grebe, trying to get some shut-eye while being rocked in the arms of Neptune...
philipwhitcombe: Gray Catbird, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Double-crested Cormorant strikes a pose!
philipwhitcombe: Common Grackle comtemplating his toes, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Tree Swallows mating - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Tree Swallows mating - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Tree Swallows mating - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Reflections in Mimico Creek
philipwhitcombe: Reflections in Mimico Creek
philipwhitcombe: Hey, where's my grub?
philipwhitcombe: All texture, no bird!
philipwhitcombe: Female Red-winged Blackbird feeding on a sumac bush
philipwhitcombe: American Robin takes a suspicious look at the photographer (before flying off to a more private feeding spot!)
philipwhitcombe: Someone to watch over me