philipwhitcombe: Waiting on the edge!
philipwhitcombe: Red-necked grebe pair sing to each other, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Mallard drake drops down for the landing - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Bufflehead executes a running takeoff - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Greater Scaup posing, while Canada Goose gazes with admiration - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Greater Scaup staredown, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-winged Blackbird announcing his arrival back in Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-winged Blackbird enjoys the late afternoon sunshine, Humber Bay Park, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Northern Cardinal, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Beaver, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Mute Swan takes off, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-winged Blackbirds silhouetted against the evening sky, Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Song Sparrow, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: European Starling shining in the bright sunlight, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Ring-billed gull on the shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: The Nearly-Easter Bunny hiding in the bushes!
philipwhitcombe: Quizzical female Mallard Duck, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-breasted Merganser splashdown, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Ring-billed gull soaring about Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Sunset, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Stripes of Colour - sunset turns to Blue Hour, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Northern Cardinal against a grey sky, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Brown-headed cowbird pair, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Brown-headed cowbird, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto, Humber Bay Park West, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Double-crested cormorant, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Double-crested cormorant, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-breasted Mergansers - mating rituals, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Red-breasted Mergansers - mating rituals, Lake Ontario, Toronto
philipwhitcombe: Mute Swan takes off, Humber Bay Park West, Lake Ontario, Toronto