PhilipStobbart: Unusual guards
PhilipStobbart: Bandstand set up
PhilipStobbart: Crowds out of the way
PhilipStobbart: More guards
PhilipStobbart: The tree
PhilipStobbart: Blue glowing band
PhilipStobbart: Percusive glow
PhilipStobbart: Tall man
PhilipStobbart: Glowing grotto
PhilipStobbart: Dimmer grotto
PhilipStobbart: Singers dimmer
PhilipStobbart: Another band
PhilipStobbart: Playing in christmas
PhilipStobbart: Dancers with would be dancer
PhilipStobbart: Tall man is back
PhilipStobbart: But wants a coffee
PhilipStobbart: Preferably irish...
PhilipStobbart: Gets served
PhilipStobbart: And is on his - wait - there's another?
PhilipStobbart: Tall man with broom
PhilipStobbart: VIP area?
PhilipStobbart: Dancer dances
PhilipStobbart: Trapped dancing
PhilipStobbart: Dance for freedom
PhilipStobbart: Red glowing band