PhilipStobbart: Astro activity at the Hub
PhilipStobbart: Crucifying Eric
PhilipStobbart: More laughter at Eric
PhilipStobbart: Watching the watchers
PhilipStobbart: Vixen on the loose
PhilipStobbart: Tej runs guy on remote control
PhilipStobbart: Big scope
PhilipStobbart: More setting up
PhilipStobbart: Further scopes
PhilipStobbart: Three person eyepiece?
PhilipStobbart: Technoscope
PhilipStobbart: Crowd spilling out
PhilipStobbart: Orange and red
PhilipStobbart: Interviewer in crowd
PhilipStobbart: Tej talks...
PhilipStobbart: Scope copse
PhilipStobbart: Praying for clear skies and new knees
PhilipStobbart: Checking out the Moon
PhilipStobbart: Is this where the tea is?
PhilipStobbart: Self portrait in lense
PhilipStobbart: Setting up technoscope
PhilipStobbart: Running off
PhilipStobbart: Out in the cricket fields
PhilipStobbart: Mike setting up
PhilipStobbart: Forced to purchase
PhilipStobbart: Lined up waiting for one cloud to move...
PhilipStobbart: Setting up a snap
PhilipStobbart: Snapping
PhilipStobbart: Astro-pose
PhilipStobbart: In control