PhilipStobbart: Ghostly face stares from the Hub
PhilipStobbart: Hub in the darkness
PhilipStobbart: Hub and Irregulars
PhilipStobbart: Irregulars and the Hub
PhilipStobbart: Moon and Irregulars
PhilipStobbart: Irregulars under the Moon
PhilipStobbart: Lunar astronomy
PhilipStobbart: Setting up
PhilipStobbart: Moon and Earthshine
PhilipStobbart: Distant mosque and Moon
PhilipStobbart: Mosque and Moon landscape
PhilipStobbart: Mosque and Moon portrait
PhilipStobbart: Telescope in red
PhilipStobbart: Scope on the move
PhilipStobbart: Early irregulars
PhilipStobbart: Dob is back
PhilipStobbart: More irregulars
PhilipStobbart: Hub from a distance
PhilipStobbart: Looking up
PhilipStobbart: Staring up
PhilipStobbart: Looking at the BT tower
PhilipStobbart: Double headed Damien
PhilipStobbart: Matching red coats
PhilipStobbart: More red light
PhilipStobbart: Coup brewing
PhilipStobbart: Reaching for the stars
PhilipStobbart: Red scope
PhilipStobbart: Dob and queue
PhilipStobbart: Dob and ladder
PhilipStobbart: No smiling, back to work