PhilipStobbart: The Hub awaits
PhilipStobbart: Trees and stars
PhilipStobbart: People and stars
PhilipStobbart: The hunter and the Hub
PhilipStobbart: Hubscape
PhilipStobbart: Eager irregulars
PhilipStobbart: First light
PhilipStobbart: Early observers
PhilipStobbart: The set up
PhilipStobbart: Paul realises his finger is now stuck to the projector
PhilipStobbart: Thiswillworkthiswillworkthiswillwork
PhilipStobbart: Arresting movement
PhilipStobbart: Stellarium on screen
PhilipStobbart: Screen and people
PhilipStobbart: Lunar limb is captured
PhilipStobbart: Lunar craters come into view
PhilipStobbart: Serena captured on film
PhilipStobbart: Something over there?
PhilipStobbart: Strange photos on phones
PhilipStobbart: Dark irregulars
PhilipStobbart: What queue?
PhilipStobbart: A queue has formed
PhilipStobbart: Nebula makes it on the big screen
PhilipStobbart: Not the 16" thing
PhilipStobbart: Good thing about dark hobbies is you can yawn without fear of being seen
PhilipStobbart: Telescope deck
PhilipStobbart: Blurry people
PhilipStobbart: Entertaining the crowds
PhilipStobbart: Mark donated his queue to another telescope...