PhilipStobbart: Moonscape landscape
PhilipStobbart: Moonscape portrait
PhilipStobbart: I think the Hub is there
PhilipStobbart: Setting Sun and astronomers
PhilipStobbart: Astronomers and the setting Sun
PhilipStobbart: The 'W' above London
PhilipStobbart: Lillian runs
PhilipStobbart: Lillian-less snap
PhilipStobbart: Hub lit astronomy
PhilipStobbart: Snapper in the field
PhilipStobbart: Long scope
PhilipStobbart: Crowd and scope
PhilipStobbart: Big scope
PhilipStobbart: Small scope
PhilipStobbart: Moon lit
PhilipStobbart: Moon dimmed
PhilipStobbart: Skyline and astronomers
PhilipStobbart: Astronomers and skyline
PhilipStobbart: Crowned in red
PhilipStobbart: Scope against the sky
PhilipStobbart: Scope pointed at the Moon
PhilipStobbart: In the shadows of the Moon
PhilipStobbart: Darker moonlit shadows
PhilipStobbart: Interested?
PhilipStobbart: Not interested
PhilipStobbart: Astronomers against the Moon
PhilipStobbart: Almost full Harvest Moon
PhilipStobbart: Forgivable light pollution
PhilipStobbart: Unforgiveable light pollution