PhilipStobbart: The table
PhilipStobbart: By the buffet
PhilipStobbart: Birthday boy
PhilipStobbart: Who ate all... oh.
PhilipStobbart: Ghost of uncle chats outside
PhilipStobbart: Leaning in
PhilipStobbart: In orbit
PhilipStobbart: Steve lost in the light
PhilipStobbart: End table
PhilipStobbart: More gathered
PhilipStobbart: Nichols corner
PhilipStobbart: Photobombed
PhilipStobbart: Party mood
PhilipStobbart: Starting speech
PhilipStobbart: Don't eat until blown out
PhilipStobbart: Photo of... well.. the usual.
PhilipStobbart: Remembering where he is
PhilipStobbart: He did it his way...
PhilipStobbart: The party number
PhilipStobbart: Them again
PhilipStobbart: Another duo
PhilipStobbart: Photoing a photo
PhilipStobbart: Photo of photo
PhilipStobbart: Ailsa ever polite
PhilipStobbart: That pair again