PhilipStobbart: Approaching the Hub
PhilipStobbart: Distant Hub
PhilipStobbart: Hub and people
PhilipStobbart: Pen watching
PhilipStobbart: Nik observes
PhilipStobbart: Red scope, blue sky
PhilipStobbart: People and sky
PhilipStobbart: Sky a little bluer
PhilipStobbart: Scope and sky
PhilipStobbart: against the sky
PhilipStobbart: Misty photo
PhilipStobbart: One of the alternate raffle prizes
PhilipStobbart: Simon catches Ralph trying to take raffle prize...
PhilipStobbart: David Arditti of the BAA announces raffle
PhilipStobbart: Girl pulls out ticket other than mine...
PhilipStobbart: Winner comes forward
PhilipStobbart: Distant night
PhilipStobbart: Lonely towers
PhilipStobbart: Stargazers
PhilipStobbart: Observers
PhilipStobbart: Gathered
PhilipStobbart: Scope on head
PhilipStobbart: Scope on cloud
PhilipStobbart: Stars and cloud
PhilipStobbart: The pointers
PhilipStobbart: Hub, cloud, sky