PhilipStobbart: Darker Hub
PhilipStobbart: Hub at the start
PhilipStobbart: Mingling
PhilipStobbart: Edge of the Hub, stars and crowd
PhilipStobbart: You cannot be Sirius!
PhilipStobbart: Astronomers, Venus, Jupiter
PhilipStobbart: Venus, Astronomers, Jupiter
PhilipStobbart: Venus, Jupiter, Astronomers
PhilipStobbart: Murky Orion
PhilipStobbart: Washed out Orion
PhilipStobbart: More Orion
PhilipStobbart: Jupiter and Venus
PhilipStobbart: Venus and Jupiter
PhilipStobbart: Chair and camera
PhilipStobbart: Emerging from the warm cafe
PhilipStobbart: Skyward pointers
PhilipStobbart: Shadow scopes
PhilipStobbart: AstroDIY
PhilipStobbart: Built in Lunchtimes telescope
PhilipStobbart: Red Mike's telescope
PhilipStobbart: Home made telescope
PhilipStobbart: A folded refracting telescope
PhilipStobbart: Over there, no, up there
PhilipStobbart: Star and gazers
PhilipStobbart: Jerry and some scopes
PhilipStobbart: Lights and Eric
PhilipStobbart: Glancing
PhilipStobbart: Still staring