PhilipStobbart: Telescopes out and about
PhilipStobbart: Moon and coloured ring behind branches
PhilipStobbart: Quick shot of the Moon through the 'scope
PhilipStobbart: Moon speared by branch
PhilipStobbart: Coloured ring
PhilipStobbart: Astronomers
PhilipStobbart: Ring and branches zoomed in
PhilipStobbart: No Moon, but branches
PhilipStobbart: Moon breaks free of the clouds
PhilipStobbart: Stuart, his telescope and observers
PhilipStobbart: Mars, the Moon and my scope
PhilipStobbart: ...and again
PhilipStobbart: People and scopes
PhilipStobbart: The big scope
PhilipStobbart: The Moon, lens flare and Mars
PhilipStobbart: Telescope in streetlight
PhilipStobbart: Moon and Mars, lower exposure
PhilipStobbart: Big scope in landscape
PhilipStobbart: Gathered round a hot telescope
PhilipStobbart: Lantern on video
PhilipStobbart: Yet another passing lantern
PhilipStobbart: Another Chinese lantern streaking over
PhilipStobbart: A Chinese lantern streaks by
PhilipStobbart: People watching the clouds
PhilipStobbart: This is where planets should be...
PhilipStobbart: Observers
PhilipStobbart: Graham's telescope
PhilipStobbart: Stuart behind my scope
PhilipStobbart: Another telescope