andrewpmorse: the Upside down
andrewpmorse: On the Edge
andrewpmorse: Switch
andrewpmorse: Frosty
andrewpmorse: Blue Vertigo
andrewpmorse: Dolomite Cross
Sergey S Ponomarev: light catching (Explore)
pascalcolin1: At the end of the arm
pascalcolin1: In the restaurant
michel lherm: Vautour africain - Gyps africanus
michel lherm: Entre Arusha et le lac Natron
..beth..: 2 crows
Fabrizio Massetti: Dolonites in the fog
pascalcolin1: Behind the small tiles
pascalcolin1: After the storm
Taz !: I never wave bye-bye
pascalcolin1: Somewhere
pascalcolin1: On cement
pascalcolin1: Above the blurred ground
michel lherm: Vervet - Chlorocebus pygerythrus
michel lherm: Daman du Cap - Procavia capensis
michel lherm: Buffle d'Afrique - Syncerus caffer
michel lherm: Impala - Aepyceros melampus
michel lherm: Phacochère commun - Phacochoerus africanus
michel lherm: Scène de vie dans la savane (2)
michel lherm: Lion d'Afrique - Panthera leo - ♂
michel lherm: Guépard - Acinonyx jubatus - ♂
michel lherm: Hippopotame amphibie - Hippopotamus amphibius
michel lherm: Girafe Masaï - Giraffa tippelskirchi
michel lherm: Vendeuses de grands chemins - Masaïs