michel lherm: Flamant rose - Phoenicopterus roseus
.niraw: 0135 (explored)
andrewpmorse: Highway
joachim hingler: The Negrita Bar is closed on monday
joachim hingler: At the end of the world WPD24Urban
michel lherm: Guépard - Acinonyx jubatus - ♂
andrewpmorse: Brush strokes-sharpened
michel lherm: Hyène tachetée - Crocuta crocuta
michel lherm: Milan à bec jaune - Milvus aegyptius
michel lherm: Milan à bec jaune - Milvus aegyptius
michel lherm: Gnou bleu - Connochaetes taurinus
michel lherm: Lion d'Afrique - Panthera leo - ♂
pascalcolin1: In the dim light
pascalcolin1: On the triple staircase
pascalcolin1: In the narrow frame
pascalcolin1: In a straight line
andrewpmorse: the Upside down
andrewpmorse: On the Edge
andrewpmorse: Switch
andrewpmorse: Frosty
andrewpmorse: Blue Vertigo
andrewpmorse: Dolomite Cross
Sergey S Ponomarev: light catching (Explore)
pascalcolin1: At the end of the arm
pascalcolin1: In the restaurant
michel lherm: Vautour africain - Gyps africanus
michel lherm: Entre Arusha et le lac Natron