°]°: Bar customers - 20Nov09, Paris (France)
°]°: Vincent - 27Apr07, Paris (France)
°]°: Didier (02) - 07Dec06, Paris (France)
°]°: Yves - 05Dec06, Paris (France)
°]°: Phil - 05Dec06, Paris (France)
°]°: Bar portrait (01) - 11Nov06, Paris (France)
°]°: Bar portrait (03) - 11Nov06, Paris (France)
°]°: Bar portrait (02) - 11Nov06, Paris (France)
°]°: Pierre - 02Nov06, Paris (France)
°]°: Speaking up his mind
°]°: He then turned to the girl and said "I'm not such an easy catch, sweety. Let's see if you deserve me first." And she smiled.
°]°: Sandrine - 07May06, Paris (France)
°]°: Cancer Advertising
°]°: Photographer's look
°]°: Targeting
°]°: Troubles didn't stay oustide, did they ?
°]°: Seb
°]°: At last... light ahead !
°]°: Another night gone by...
°]°: Gaëlle
°]°: Clémentine
°]°: Manu the crazy artist