Phil in NSW: Krefft's River Turtle
Phil in NSW: Olive-backed Sunbird - female
Phil in NSW: Australian Brushturkey or Gweela
Phil in NSW: The Duel - fly and caterpillar - sequence
Phil in NSW: Sapphire Flutterer Dragonfly
Phil in NSW: Pigmy Wisp Damselfly - female
Phil in NSW: Rice or Paddy Bug
Phil in NSW: Green Tree Ants
Phil in NSW: Thread-waisted Sand Wasp
Phil in NSW: Forest Kingfisher
Phil in NSW: Baby Saltwater Crocodile
Phil in NSW: Crocodile - female
Phil in NSW: Orange-footed scrubfowl
Phil in NSW: Eastern Saw-shelled Turtle copy
Phil in NSW: Comb-crested Jacana - juvenile
Phil in NSW: Green-backed Pygmy Geese
Phil in NSW: Boat in paradise
Phil in NSW: Swift's Ant-hunter Spider
Phil in NSW: Leaden Flycatcher - male
Phil in NSW: Tropical Paper Wasp
Phil in NSW: Scoliid Wasp
Phil in NSW: Bean Podsucking Bug
Phil in NSW: Pygmy Percher
Phil in NSW: Rat-tail Maggot Fly
Phil in NSW: Orange Bushbrown Butterfly
Phil in NSW: Northern Jewelled Spider
Phil in NSW: Australian Darter
Phil in NSW: Green Tree Ants
Phil in NSW: Asian Magpie Moth
Phil in NSW: Colourful Bluetail Damselfly - female