philipdiprose1974: Start of the ride, catch the CX train
philipdiprose1974: Sam B&W riding through Stanstead
philipdiprose1974: There is a trail in here, or there used to be
philipdiprose1974: Andrew helps try and find the trail
philipdiprose1974: Dean CX steep
philipdiprose1974: Andrew on the steep slope
philipdiprose1974: open vista
philipdiprose1974: Sams Singular skyline
philipdiprose1974: keep it cheeky
philipdiprose1974: Sam gets the first flat at QE park
philipdiprose1974: Me at QE, like a homecoming which no one turned up for
philipdiprose1974: Dean B&W descent at QE
philipdiprose1974: Deans getting to the end of QE mtb trail
philipdiprose1974: B&W bare tree tops
philipdiprose1974: Off camber? check. Roots? check. Chalk? check. Moss? check. leaves covering the whole lot? Check check check.
philipdiprose1974: QE singletrack
philipdiprose1974: Singular climbing at QE
philipdiprose1974: Getting the chase on
philipdiprose1974: fallen leaves and a real tough climb in the furthest reaches of QE park
philipdiprose1974: Sunshine and CX in perfect harmony
philipdiprose1974: Sam climbing in the sunshine
philipdiprose1974: dappled climbing
philipdiprose1974: what a lovely house in the background
philipdiprose1974: B&W South downs road
philipdiprose1974: Sam shows which part of his brain makes his descending so fast
philipdiprose1974: pensive Taylor
philipdiprose1974: trapped wind?