philipdiprose1974: Start of the ride the snowman is still alive (albeit a bit mishapen)
philipdiprose1974: And and Raoul
philipdiprose1974: me Bontrager
philipdiprose1974: Seb and Andrew
philipdiprose1974: Andrew (little) Seb (bigger) on the coachroad
philipdiprose1974: Adam approaching the coach road
philipdiprose1974: orienteering sign
philipdiprose1974: Bike parked at the Volunteer pub
philipdiprose1974: The Bontragers new colours
philipdiprose1974: Seb and Adam
philipdiprose1974: Raoul on his new 29er
philipdiprose1974: Yet another pic of my Bonty
philipdiprose1974: By the end of the ride the snowman was melting away