Philip N. Cohen: American Crow
Philip N. Cohen: Carolina Wren
Philip N. Cohen: Song Sparrow
Philip N. Cohen: Common grackle with fall leaves
Philip N. Cohen: Downy Woodpecker in autumn
Philip N. Cohen: Northern Cardinal
Philip N. Cohen: Great blue Heron
Philip N. Cohen: Ring-billed gull with view of Cornell
Philip N. Cohen: Bald Eagle (juvenile)
Philip N. Cohen: Hooded Merganser
Philip N. Cohen: Osprey
Philip N. Cohen: Caspian Tern
Philip N. Cohen: Barn Swallow (juvenile)
Philip N. Cohen: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Philip N. Cohen: American Goldfinch
Philip N. Cohen: Song Sparrow
Philip N. Cohen: Green Herron
Philip N. Cohen: Brown-headed cowbird (female)
Philip N. Cohen: Juvenile and adult Common Grackle
Philip N. Cohen: Tufted titmouse
Philip N. Cohen: Carolina chickadee
Philip N. Cohen: Brown-headed Cowbird
Philip N. Cohen: Brown Pelican, Clearwater Beach Pier 60
Philip N. Cohen: Spotted Sandpiper, Puerto Viejo de Talamnca
Philip N. Cohen: Black-crowned Antshrike, Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica
Philip N. Cohen: Whimbrel at Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica
Philip N. Cohen: Belted Kingfisher
Philip N. Cohen: Mallard brood
Philip N. Cohen: Groove-billed Ani, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica
Philip N. Cohen: Common Merganser