Philip Lench: After tree removal
Philip Lench: After tree removal
Philip Lench: After tree removal
Philip Lench: Before tree removal
Philip Lench: Before tree removal
Philip Lench: Before tree removal
Philip Lench: Bulge in tyre
Philip Lench: Bulge in tyre
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Potholes in Wilden Lane
Philip Lench: Canterbury Cathedral roof
Philip Lench: viacrucis
Philip Lench: Golden Acer leaves 2
Philip Lench: Stone Cat
Philip Lench: Golden Acer leaves
Philip Lench: Lady in red
Philip Lench: Before and after
Philip Lench: Euro Design 17" alloys
Philip Lench: Autogrip 205/40/R 17 84 WXL
Philip Lench: Kenda 205/40/ZR 17 84W
Philip Lench: Wychbold Church cloned for Tim Gardner
Philip Lench: Citroen 2CV
Philip Lench: Citroen 2CV
Philip Lench: Stourbridge Canal
Philip Lench: The Big Deep Blue
Philip Lench: Labours done