Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant approaches Broad Street in Reading
Phil Heneghan: John, The Winter Giant, is looking for a home
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant on Broad Street in Reading
Phil Heneghan: A wintry storm engulfs the Winter Giant and his moth guide in Reading
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant is searching Broad Street for a home in Reading
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant continues to search for a home in Reading
Phil Heneghan: Crowds fill Broad Street to see the Winter Giant in Reading
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant amongst the crowd on Broad Street in Reading
Phil Heneghan: Lantern carriers join the Winter Giant story in Reading
Phil Heneghan: Lantern carriers accompany the Winter Giant in Reading
Phil Heneghan: I see you! John, the Winter Giant, guided by lantern bearers in Reading town centre
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant of Reading walks through Market Place in his Christmas jumper
Phil Heneghan: The Winter Giant reaches St Laurence's church in Reading
Phil Heneghan: The moth has guided the Winter Giant to a new home in Reading
Phil Heneghan: The story of the Winter Giant in Reading reaches its end.