Phil Haygarth: Andrew Vallence with trophy
Phil Haygarth: David Scholefield
Phil Haygarth: Sarah Moody, 1st female
Phil Haygarth: Andrew Vallence receives his trophy
Phil Haygarth: David Scholefield
Phil Haygarth: Watching
Phil Haygarth: Roy 'Steeperton' Crocker
Phil Haygarth: Stop it Mike!
Phil Haygarth: Peter Flick - custodian of Foundry gate
Phil Haygarth: Debbs and Anna
Phil Haygarth: Debs Crome
Phil Haygarth: Darren and Anna Crome
Phil Haygarth: Pip Peakman
Phil Haygarth: Pip Peakman finishing
Phil Haygarth: Alan Littlejohns and Billy
Phil Haygarth: Sarah rehydrates
Phil Haygarth: Sarah Moody - first lady - coming into the finish
Phil Haygarth: Waiting
Phil Haygarth: Helen Haygarth
Phil Haygarth: Retrospective analysis
Phil Haygarth: Rob Weston
Phil Haygarth: Ice pack on the ankle
Phil Haygarth: Nick rehydrating
Phil Haygarth: Nick Keast
Phil Haygarth: Jon 'Paddy' Padfield
Phil Haygarth: Darren Crome and Anne Haygarth
Phil Haygarth: Gavin Punchard - 2nd overall
Phil Haygarth: Andrew Vallance returns to victory
Phil Haygarth: Race Control
Phil Haygarth: Comminicating with the moor