Phil Haygarth:
Phil Haygarth:
Phil Haygarth:
The time keepers - Rona Gundry and Robin Hill
Phil Haygarth:
Mike Sell
Phil Haygarth:
Enjoying the fair
Phil Haygarth:
Angus camping
Phil Haygarth:
Matthew camping
Phil Haygarth:
When that cat's away....
Phil Haygarth:
Fathers day bike ride
Phil Haygarth:
First time in the bike seat
Phil Haygarth:
My lovely wife
Phil Haygarth:
Phil Haygarth:
Helen's first beach trip with her Gran and Grandma
Phil Haygarth:
"But I just can't get my blues"
Phil Haygarth:
Doug and Eleanor
Phil Haygarth:
Phil Haygarth:
Dave and Lily
Phil Haygarth:
Darren and my Mum
Phil Haygarth:
Helen meets Isobel
Phil Haygarth:
Two ladies 1
Phil Haygarth:
Watching the dogs
Phil Haygarth:
Phil Haygarth:
Boys getting ready for the off
Phil Haygarth:
Sea beard
Phil Haygarth:
Doug and Jack
Phil Haygarth:
Spans 3 generations of blues trio
Phil Haygarth:
Four cousins
Phil Haygarth:
Grandma and Helen
Phil Haygarth:
Me Dave and Mum
Phil Haygarth:
School boys 30 years on