Phil Gyford: IMGP3360.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3364.JPG
Phil Gyford: Mary and SS Great Britain
Phil Gyford: Tim and Helen
Phil Gyford: Mary and me
Phil Gyford: SS Great Britain
Phil Gyford: Young pirate
Phil Gyford: IMGP3391.JPG
Phil Gyford: Jean, Tim, Helen and Mike
Phil Gyford: IMGP3394.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3398.JPG
Phil Gyford: Helen and parents
Phil Gyford: IMGP3401.JPG
Phil Gyford: Tim and his best men
Phil Gyford: Helen and friends
Phil Gyford: IMGP3414.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3416.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3418.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3421.JPG
Phil Gyford: IMGP3423.JPG
Phil Gyford: Tim, me, Fi, Jay, Cam, Dave
Phil Gyford: IMGP3432.JPG
Phil Gyford: Helen at the wheel
Phil Gyford: Tim & Helen's "Celebration" Plum Jam
Phil Gyford: Cutting the cake
Phil Gyford: Dave and Rik
Phil Gyford: Tim and Helen