Ramones Karaoke: Hot baguettes on a cold day
Ramones Karaoke: It's Xmas (almost) so time for a Robin
Ramones Karaoke: Me and cake
Ramones Karaoke: Another weekend, another cake movie
Ramones Karaoke: Lunch at the Angelfish Café, Monkton Combe
Ramones Karaoke: My new slimline lensbaby butt
Ramones Karaoke: Cakes!
Ramones Karaoke: Ooh look, it's my lovely wife
Ramones Karaoke: Cory takes a picture of me ...
Ramones Karaoke: The Optimistic Sunglasses
Ramones Karaoke: Angelfish Cakes
Ramones Karaoke: Cake from the Angelfish
Ramones Karaoke: Monkton Combe, still frozen
Ramones Karaoke: Heron, on the way back from the Angelfish
Ramones Karaoke: Victoria Sponge
Ramones Karaoke: Cake!!!
Ramones Karaoke: Millionaire's shortbread
Ramones Karaoke: CAKE!!!!!