Philaros: gearing up for the BBQ
Philaros: soundcheck from the soundboard
Philaros: Trent Moorman soundchecking
Philaros: KEXP Director Tom Mara introduces the BBQ and Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: Mad Rad
Philaros: KEXP tent volunteers
Philaros: KEXP tent volunteers
Philaros: Virgin Islands
Philaros: Virgin Islands
Philaros: Virgin Islands
Philaros: Virgin Islands
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: School of Rock
Philaros: Sally & Kat with Capsula
Philaros: Capsula
Philaros: Capsula
Philaros: Capsula