Philaros: Kyle and mom
Philaros: Cait and Jessica
Philaros: Sarah and Johnny
Philaros: Joel and Amanda
Philaros: Helen and Laura, Marie's sisters
Philaros: Marie and dad
Philaros: approaching the altar
Philaros: blessing the wedding couple
Philaros: the married couple
Philaros: welcome speech
Philaros: addressing the guests
Philaros: Marie & Kyle
Philaros: Marie's sisters' speech
Philaros: married couple and sisters
Philaros: Joel's speech
Philaros: smiling at Joel's comments
Philaros: some people have flashes for their cameras
Philaros: Marie's dad's speech
Philaros: cutting the cake
Philaros: feeding time
Philaros: bouquet toss
Philaros: first dance
Philaros: the happy couple