Philaros: The Teeth of Soutongue
Philaros: Tebbot
Philaros: The Islands of Moroth
Philaros: Malevola's rocket
Philaros: Malevola
Philaros: Thrilling Tales endgame
Philaros: storming Lord Mordecai's tower
Philaros: Runar's powers sheet
Philaros: fighting our way in
Philaros: leaders of the Imperium
Philaros: plotting
Philaros: expansion
Philaros: pondering moves
Philaros: Pat plans his attack
Philaros: disputed system
Philaros: battle is joined!
Philaros: green is victorious!
Philaros: red challenges yellow
Philaros: Runar and Kalil
Philaros: Kevros and Mithreades
Philaros: shattered throne room