Philaros: texture pool
Philaros: textures in the texture pool
Philaros: fountain and textures
Philaros: reflecting pool
Philaros: reflections in the reflecting pool
Philaros: ducks in the reflecting pool
Philaros: approaching ducks
Philaros: they came to say hello
Philaros: mallard drake
Philaros: preening
Philaros: mallard hen
Philaros: drake's passage
Philaros: drake's feet
Philaros: drake's inspection
Philaros: looking for food
Philaros: checking out another human
Philaros: off to other parts of the pool
Philaros: Capitol Hill towers
Philaros: 14th & Union
Philaros: I should've thought this through
Philaros: Bauhaus square
Philaros: let us do the ork
Philaros: fountain photograph
Philaros: getting the shot
Philaros: fountain flow
Philaros: texture fountain
Philaros: Jeremy shoots
Philaros: awesome-o-saurus
Philaros: sun's eye view
Philaros: through and through