Philaros: Aurora Bridge
Philaros: Lake Union afternoon
Philaros: Lake Union dusk
Philaros: Waiting with ribbons
Philaros: Statues enfenced
Philaros: Libation Bearer
Philaros: Odalisque Robotique
Philaros: not a hole of fun
Philaros: nosh
Philaros: upramp
Philaros: the cause of the opening
Philaros: lowering bridge
Philaros: maybe you could jump it
Philaros: aligning the ends
Philaros: not yet open
Philaros: Greek Festival ribbons
Philaros: bound for the Greek Festival
Philaros: weld?
Philaros: Ponti reflected
Philaros: Rapunzel's haircut
Philaros: Lenin be-scarfed
Philaros: Lenin faces winter
Philaros: The Lenin in Winter
Philaros: FREMONT
Philaros: bridge tower & spike
Philaros: caution, fremont
Philaros: bridge locked
Philaros: Lake Union, Seattle, Rainier
Philaros: Rapunzel by night
Philaros: Elephant's Child by night