Philanthropy Northwest:
Greg Vigdor (Washington Health Foundation), Therese Ogle (Family Foundation Representative), Kit Gillem (M.J. Murdock Trust) take on the capitol
Philanthropy Northwest:
Kit, Matt Slonaker (Office of Senator Max Baucus), Darin McKeever (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) at a dinner with Senate finance commitee staff
Philanthropy Northwest:
Jeff Jessee (Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority), Matt Slonaker
Philanthropy Northwest:
Kit, Tim Walters (Association of Small Foundations), Theresa Pattera (Advisor to Senator Grassley on tax-exempt organizations)
Philanthropy Northwest:
In Senator Baucus' office, Daniel Kemmis (Northwest Area Foundation) and Kit
Philanthropy Northwest:
Greg and Mike Halligan (Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation)
Philanthropy Northwest:
Mike, Daniel, Montana Senator Max Baucus, Kelly (Washington) Kit, Greg and Carol Lewis (Philanthropy Northwest)
Philanthropy Northwest:
Greg, Kit and Therese running from meeting to meeting
Philanthropy Northwest:
Leslie Ridle (Office of Senator Mark Begich) and Jeff
Philanthropy Northwest:
Kit, Ian Wilhelm (reporter for the Chronicle of Philanthropy)and Carol
Philanthropy Northwest:
Therese and Greg waiting to meet with Cantwell's staff
Philanthropy Northwest:
Kit, staff from Senator Maria Cantwells office
Philanthropy Northwest:
Lauren Bazell (Office of Senator Maria Cantwell) and Kit