discoverPHL: PHLCVB Booth at PCMA Convening Leaders Meeting
discoverPHL: Jack Ferguson & Greg Talley announcing Philadelphia auction package
discoverPHL: Packed house at the Philadelphia client breakfast
discoverPHL: Jack Feguson, PHLCVB; Ron Olejko, American College of Rheumatology; Bob McClintock, SMG; Lorenz Hassenstein, SMG
discoverPHL: DSC_0028
discoverPHL: Christine Phelps, American Academy of Neurology with Jack Ferguson, PHLCVB
discoverPHL: Will Alvey, Hargrove with Julie Coker, PHLCVB
discoverPHL: DSC_0042
discoverPHL: Christine Phelps, American Academy of Neurology with Jack Ferguson and Lorenz Hassenstein, SMG
discoverPHL: Lawson Hochman, IMN Solutions with Julie Coker, PHLCVB
discoverPHL: DSC_0048
discoverPHL: Kathleen Maits, American College of Physicians with Stephanie Boyd, PA Convention Center
discoverPHL: Pat Kraft Hipl, PHLCVB with Melissa Huston, Smith Bucklin
discoverPHL: Jim Reese with Emily Catanzaro, ATS
discoverPHL: Julie Ratzloff, Deb Stender and Kris Fridgen, American Academy of Neurology with Lorenz Hassestein, SMG
discoverPHL: Bob McClintock, SMG talks to client
discoverPHL: Heather Seaholtz, American Assoc for Cancer Research, Lori Risboskin, Drug Information Association and Shane Jackson, Philadelphia Marriott Sales with Mariya Brewer, PHLCVB
discoverPHL: Gretchen Bliss, Sarah Utzig, Medical Group Management Association with Janice Telstar, PHLCVB
discoverPHL: Kami Persaud, RIMS with Julie Coker, PHLCVB