philipweaver: Stagecoach 12657 - NML 657 E whilst on Park & Ride duties to the RFOD College.
philipweaver: NML 657 E - Stagecoach 12657 at the RFOD College whilst working P&R services.
philipweaver: Stagecoach 12657 - NML 657 E at Coleford between duties.
philipweaver: NML 657 Ed
philipweaver: NML 657 Ee
philipweaver: NML 657c
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15521 - VX09 NBD on P&R duties at Coleford.
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15521a
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15523 - VX09 NBF whilst on P&R duties to Elwood.
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15523 - VX09 NBF with a P&R service to Coleford.
philipweaver: VX09 NBF - Stagecoach 15523 at Elwood with a P&R service to Coleford.
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15524 - VX09 NBG
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15524 - VX09 NBG arrives at Coleford with a P&R service from RFOD College.
philipweaver: Stagecoach 15524b
philipweaver: Stagecoah 15523a