Phil Eager: Tandayapa
Phil Eager: Floreana
Phil Eager: Floreana
Phil Eager: Tandayapa and Floreana
Phil Eager: Tandayapa
Phil Eager: Floreana
Phil Eager: Tandayapa
Phil Eager: Sitting for their portrait
Phil Eager: Tandy giving Floreana a bath
Phil Eager: Snuggling
Phil Eager: Tandayapa in a favorite spot
Phil Eager: Floreana in profile
Phil Eager: The girls on the couch
Phil Eager: Tandayapa
Phil Eager: Floreana on a perch
Phil Eager: Cat, with cat lint
Phil Eager: Crazy Tandy
Phil Eager: Environmentally conscious
Phil Eager: Cat in a bag
Phil Eager: In the sun
Phil Eager: Sleepy
Phil Eager: Cuties
Phil Eager: Sleepy heads
Phil Eager: Morning nap time
Phil Eager: Cat legs everywhere
Phil Eager: Tandayapa
Phil Eager: Floreana
Phil Eager: Smooshed together