PhilHydePhotos: clouds settle on the Cirque de Girvarnie, Pyrénées
PhilHydePhotos: Marmot profile
PhilHydePhotos: road to the mountains
PhilHydePhotos: marmot kiss
PhilHydePhotos: valley & peak
PhilHydePhotos: le Cirque de Garvarnie
PhilHydePhotos: Grazing the mountains
PhilHydePhotos: dog in a circle
PhilHydePhotos: ridge in clouds
PhilHydePhotos: mountains chill
PhilHydePhotos: mountains rock
PhilHydePhotos: cockerpoo view
PhilHydePhotos: excaping the ice cold water
PhilHydePhotos: the morning sun hits the mountain tops - Cirque de Garvarnie
PhilHydePhotos: Grazing before Greatness