PhilHydePhotos: A Lamp spotted in Rodez
PhilHydePhotos: Autumn mist over the Wye
PhilHydePhotos: B&W are not impressed...
PhilHydePhotos: brown nosed
PhilHydePhotos: Chenous starts to flower
PhilHydePhotos: Conque - a hillside village 2 hours from anywhere
PhilHydePhotos: Distant Spain
PhilHydePhotos: Don't forget me...
PhilHydePhotos: downtown Conque
PhilHydePhotos: le Couéou in autumn
PhilHydePhotos: Le Ger iced-up
PhilHydePhotos: loadsa snow
PhilHydePhotos: me first
PhilHydePhotos: misty mountains
PhilHydePhotos: more blue
PhilHydePhotos: Pippa is not a scary name
PhilHydePhotos: Pippa spots home
PhilHydePhotos: shaggy dog
PhilHydePhotos: Sunshine in Bargain Wood
PhilHydePhotos: the Cagire in cloud
PhilHydePhotos: the dark hills of Spain
PhilHydePhotos: the other side...
PhilHydePhotos: the terracing finished, awaits the autumn rain
PhilHydePhotos: the Wheyre Valley
PhilHydePhotos: the Wye Valley in flood
PhilHydePhotos: Thinks 'camera - food'