PhilHydePhotos: Laid Back
PhilHydePhotos: cuddly lions
PhilHydePhotos: Sieste Obligatoire
PhilHydePhotos: Elephant in Red
PhilHydePhotos: Buts at Waterhole
PhilHydePhotos: one eyebrow
PhilHydePhotos: Elephant in Grey
PhilHydePhotos: adult trying out his macho -bye bye
PhilHydePhotos: Punk Zebra
PhilHydePhotos: it's raining cats
PhilHydePhotos: Leopard lunch
PhilHydePhotos: too many
PhilHydePhotos: no escape
PhilHydePhotos: looks like a log to me
PhilHydePhotos: maybe not...
PhilHydePhotos: The fastest land mammal
PhilHydePhotos: tasty(1)
PhilHydePhotos: Time for Work
PhilHydePhotos: Uganda, Ngamba Chimp Sanctuary egret hunting
PhilHydePhotos: Uganda, Ngamba Chimp Sanctuary, wise old chimp
PhilHydePhotos: Ngamba chimp
PhilHydePhotos: dental check-up
PhilHydePhotos: watch closer
PhilHydePhotos: three lions on a stick
PhilHydePhotos: mother and baby classes
PhilHydePhotos: African elephant in Indian summer
PhilHydePhotos: Stork in a flap
PhilHydePhotos: fish eagle on a branch
PhilHydePhotos: elephant semaphore