pearl.higgins: the dingo gives pippin sass
pearl.higgins: margaret and pippin
pearl.higgins: pippin and tom
pearl.higgins: margaret, me, and the dogs
pearl.higgins: the dingo does not approve of fireworks
pearl.higgins: jason, margaret
pearl.higgins: we had about 100 of these
pearl.higgins: sparklers in the lawn
pearl.higgins: on the porch
pearl.higgins: the dingo
pearl.higgins: margaret
pearl.higgins: dog totem
pearl.higgins: jason grilling
pearl.higgins: freckled paws
pearl.higgins: at the seadog
pearl.higgins: jason & margaret
pearl.higgins: at the seadog
pearl.higgins: tom, fisherman
pearl.higgins: swimming hole
pearl.higgins: awful face
pearl.higgins: tom did not get in
pearl.higgins: dogs, margaret
pearl.higgins: jason & the dogs
pearl.higgins: thinking about canning
pearl.higgins: drift wood
pearl.higgins: oscar, pippin