phenotyp: time ain't sleeping
phenotyp: and this is as long as
phenotyp: a hundred two or so.
phenotyp: here
phenotyp: across
phenotyp: huh.
phenotyp: about this big
phenotyp: up again
phenotyp: plow
phenotyp: plant
phenotyp: takeoff
phenotyp: taxi
phenotyp: first
phenotyp: time
phenotyp: flyin
phenotyp: thursday
phenotyp: yep,
phenotyp: sign at sunset
phenotyp: sign again
phenotyp: just about sunset.
phenotyp: looking south down lamar
phenotyp: looking southwest
phenotyp: inside 1
phenotyp: inside 2
phenotyp: just the front
phenotyp: crop3
phenotyp: crop2