Thunderbolt_TW: 賞楓的小剪尾 Little Forktail
Thunderbolt_TW: autumn hues 中橫之秋
Thunderbolt_TW: Bokeh Wednesday
Thunderbolt_TW: valley of maples 楓之谷
Thunderbolt_TW: green maple 青楓
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111701
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111702
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111704
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111705
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111706
Thunderbolt_TW: 楓 MAPLES
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111704
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111705
Thunderbolt_TW: 2010111709
Thunderbolt_TW: maple leaves party
Thunderbolt_TW: the colors of nature 自然顏色
Thunderbolt_TW: shine on ~~~
Thunderbolt_TW: maple valley with sunburst
Thunderbolt_TW: 深秋殘楓 last fall in maple valley
Thunderbolt_TW: sound of water 只有流水聲
Thunderbolt_TW: the silky water
Thunderbolt_TW: once adrift 楓情
Thunderbolt_TW: creek with fallen leaves 楓谷秋水
Thunderbolt_TW: Japanese maples 想楓
Thunderbolt_TW: 秋水 remain
Thunderbolt_TW: trees 108k路邊的樹
Thunderbolt_TW: AUTUMN 秋的顏色
Thunderbolt_TW: maple valley 楓谷
Thunderbolt_TW: autumn colors 秋色
Thunderbolt_TW: 林の味 the taste of forest