Thunderbolt_TW: 我的RF相機 my RFs
Thunderbolt_TW: fishing with God
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011033101x
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011033110
Thunderbolt_TW: vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
Thunderbolt_TW: CK124 Formosa
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011033130
Thunderbolt_TW: 窗外 sky look out from my window
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011052007z
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011052008z
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011052025
Thunderbolt_TW: a lotus under the roof .. 屋頂下的蓮花
Thunderbolt_TW: a rainy day 下雨天
Thunderbolt_TW: a rainy day 下雨天
Thunderbolt_TW: abstract 抽象
Thunderbolt_TW: 雨中的野狼 a rainy day
Thunderbolt_TW: 捐血救人
Thunderbolt_TW: distance 距離
Thunderbolt_TW: two is good, one is not bad either .. 一個人也不會不好
Thunderbolt_TW: 台中港路 Taichung
Thunderbolt_TW: 最後半格 the last frame
Thunderbolt_TW: in the freezer ...
Thunderbolt_TW: 賽德克族 Seediq
Thunderbolt_TW: 賽德克帥哥 Seediq
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011102612
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011102604
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011102601
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011102616
Thunderbolt_TW: 2011102602