Thunderbolt_TW: The Flora Baroness and her watchdog
Thunderbolt_TW: a BIG sun day for this weekend
Thunderbolt_TW: Let's feast........
Thunderbolt_TW: new arrival
Thunderbolt_TW: 中西合璧 when west meets east ...
Thunderbolt_TW: sea of flowers in Shinshe 新社花海季
Thunderbolt_TW: sea of flowers in Shinshe 新社花海季
Thunderbolt_TW: 新社花海季
Thunderbolt_TW: Shinshe sleepless 新社夜未眠
Thunderbolt_TW: Good morning
Thunderbolt_TW: 萬紫千紅 Cosmos bokeh
Thunderbolt_TW: To the sun 向陽
Thunderbolt_TW: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010
Thunderbolt_TW: The basis
Thunderbolt_TW: red carpet 紅地毯
Thunderbolt_TW: _MG_6531
Thunderbolt_TW: _MG_6537
Thunderbolt_TW: sea of cosmos 波斯菊花海
Thunderbolt_TW: village still in sleep 沉睡
Thunderbolt_TW: first burst of the day (Explored)
Thunderbolt_TW: _MG_6634
Thunderbolt_TW: _MG_6635
Thunderbolt_TW: sun burst on Cosmos fields
Thunderbolt_TW: _MG_6644
Thunderbolt_TW: the Photographer
Thunderbolt_TW: Have a nice weekend... 祝大家週末愉快 (Explored)
Thunderbolt_TW: autumn beauty
Thunderbolt_TW: fire storm 花海,燃燒吧 !!!