dr_bowman: Oude Kerk (Old Church) & Canal
dr_bowman: Oude Kerk (Old Church) Tower & Canal (two)
dr_bowman: Down the Aisle of Oude Kerk
dr_bowman: Standing at the Back of Oude Kerk (Old Church)
dr_bowman: Monument @ Oude Kerk (Old Church)
dr_bowman: Maarten Tromp
dr_bowman: Artist Johannes Vermeer Plaque
dr_bowman: Plaque
dr_bowman: Skull Adorning Epitaph
dr_bowman: Actual Supposed Burial Place of Vermeer
dr_bowman: Main Organ of Oude Kerk
dr_bowman: Glass of Good Samaritan, Good Shepherd, Weeds in Wheat by Joep Nicolas
dr_bowman: Decorations
dr_bowman: Pulpit
dr_bowman: Instruments
dr_bowman: Toegang!
dr_bowman: Delft Rooftops
dr_bowman: Leaning Tower and Monk Statue
dr_bowman: Pretty Canal Scene
dr_bowman: Delft Buildings
dr_bowman: Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) from 1396
dr_bowman: Delft is Beautiful
dr_bowman: Nieuwe Kerk by bronze of Hugo Grotius
dr_bowman: Inside Nieuwe Kerk
dr_bowman: Memorial to Prince William of Orange in Background
dr_bowman: Opposite Side Stained Glass
dr_bowman: Stained Glass
dr_bowman: Prince William of Orange Memorial
dr_bowman: Close Up of Memorial
dr_bowman: Through Pillars