dwu0: The airport.
dwu0: Boredom begets peoplewatching.
dwu0: Some damn fine skies.
dwu0: And pretty windy, too.
dwu0: Skies, skies, and more skies.
dwu0: Pleurobranch.
dwu0: Popcorn shrimp.
dwu0: Lionfish.
dwu0: Why I Am Moving to the Philippines.
dwu0: Downtown, night.
dwu0: Shop, night.
dwu0: Entertainment, in the evening.
dwu0: Small child, market.
dwu0: The cross on the hill.
dwu0: Boats.
dwu0: I really like boats.
dwu0: On the hill.
dwu0: Sailboat at rest.
dwu0: Swimming through the Akitsushima.
dwu0: Crane, Akitsushima.
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dwu0: I like big boats.
dwu0: Bollard, Okikawa.
dwu0: Zephyra nudibranch
dwu0: Some variant of Flabellina.
dwu0: coron-28
dwu0: Flabellina.
dwu0: An oddly familiar shape!