@Phase2: Shipit Day Champions!
@Phase2: Mike Crittenden recieving the Shipit day award.
@Phase2: Shipit Day Trophy.
@Phase2: Frank showing off the Shipit day epic trophy.
@Phase2: Frank Febbraro
@Phase2: Phase2 Shipit day 2014.
@Phase2: Phase2 Shipit Day presentations.
@Phase2: Phase2 Shipit Day 2014 presentations.
@Phase2: Steven Merrill, Jeff Crisamore, and Joe Caccavano present their project at Shipit day.
@Phase2: Annie Stone presents at Phase2's Shipit Day 2014.
@Phase2: Phase2 Shipit Day 2014
@Phase2: Adam Ross presents at Phase2's Shipit Day 2014
@Phase2: Joey Groh and Danielle present at Shipit day.
@Phase2: Collaboration at Shipit Day.
@Phase2: Laurel Phillips presents at Shipit Day.
@Phase2: Brian McMurray, Ben Kress, and Ray Stuart present their project at Shipit day.
@Phase2: Sean Macath-Moran presents at Shipit day.
@Phase2: Joe Turgeon, Jason Staph, JR Wilson, CJ, and Steven Merrill present their Shipit day project.
@Phase2: Joshua Lieb presents at Phase2's Shipit Day.
@Phase2: Tracey Smith presents at Shipit Day.
@Phase2: Brad Wade presents at Phase2's Shipit Day.
@Phase2: Phase2 Company Day!