@Phase2: Phase2's BadCamp booth
@Phase2: Nate Parsons talks content strategy at the UX summit
@Phase2: Nate Parsons talks search strategies at the BADCamp UX summit
@Phase2: We love our BADCampers
@Phase2: The Caccavano brothers and Joshua Turton!
@Phase2: Joshua Turton as Drupal Super Hero!
@Phase2: Jeff Walpole speaking at "The Business of Drupal"
@Phase2: BADCamp Geek/Pirate
@Phase2: Molly Byrnes talks about leveraging Drupal for good in "Vamos Al Futuro!"
@Phase2: Chris Garing, Phase2 HR director is a BADCamp geek too!
@Phase2: Andre Hood is an Open Atrium Geek!
@Phase2: Shawn Mole and Beverly Thames talk about San Mateo on Drupal!
@Phase2: Joshua Turton talks about Pac-12 video integration at BADCamp!
@Phase2: Shawn Mole is re-fueling with yummy empanadas!
@Phase2: Annie Stone is feeling great on Sunday of BadCamp!
@Phase2: Sam Richard is a Drupal Super Hero!
@Phase2: Look at the Snugug
@Phase2: Sunday of BadCamp- Anything goes! Hula Hoop Demos from Hunter Fox!