@Phase2: What a great camp!
@Phase2: NYCCamp Trainings!
@Phase2: Advanced Responsive Design with Sam Richard and Mason
@Phase2: Mason Wendel talking responsive design
@Phase2: IMG_0667
@Phase2: Didier explaining Git!
@Phase2: Drupalers learning Git!
@Phase2: IMG_0675
@Phase2: Our future Drupal boss....
@Phase2: Nonprofit summit attendees
@Phase2: Brandon is rocking his Drupal mapping session
@Phase2: Full house for JR's session on Drupal Commernce
@Phase2: The Phase2 NYCCamp crew: JR, Molly Fitzgerald, and Chris Garing
@Phase2: Phase2 booth at NYCCamp
@Phase2: Steven talks Openshift at the NYCCamp business summit
@Phase2: NYCCamp coder lounge
@Phase2: \
@Phase2: Chris Strahl and Sam Richard talk about Responsive Advertising
@Phase2: Fotios Lindiakos and Steven Merrill talk about OpenShift an Drupal 8
@Phase2: Molly Byrnes leads the NYCCamp nonprofit summit
@Phase2: JR explains Drupal Commerce at NYCCamp
@Phase2: JR explaining the Drupal Commerce checkout process
@Phase2: Michael Meyers discusses Drupal in Business
@Phase2: Check out the NYCCamp Champs in the 'Drupal Next Generation Sprint'
@Phase2: Thanks to all the participants of NYCCamp!
@Phase2: Business Summit Attendees