Phil Hartell: Verena and Helen
Phil Hartell: Verena
Phil Hartell: Verena and Andrew
Phil Hartell: Verena and Andrew
Phil Hartell: Verena's last night in Exmouth
Phil Hartell: Verena's last night in Exmouth
Phil Hartell: Whale Watching
Phil Hartell: Verena and Andrew
Phil Hartell: Brett on Concorde
Phil Hartell: Navy Pier
Phil Hartell: Navy Pier
Phil Hartell: Night out in the Cape
Phil Hartell: Shaine playing in his band
Phil Hartell: Verena
Phil Hartell: Shaine
Phil Hartell: Shaine
Phil Hartell: Andrew and Verena
Phil Hartell: Verena on Concord
Phil Hartell: Marcus and Verena on Concorde
Phil Hartell: Me and Marcus on Concorde
Phil Hartell: Raining in Exmouth
Phil Hartell: Raining in Exmouth
Phil Hartell: Raining in Exmouth
Phil Hartell: Randall !!