Phaedrus007: Presidential Podium
Phaedrus007: Wounded Warriors Raising Awareness at South Lawn Race
Phaedrus007: The Wounded Warriors being Introduced
Phaedrus007: Sectretary Shinseki Introducting the President
Phaedrus007: The President Addressing Veterans
Phaedrus007: The President Addressing Veterans
Phaedrus007: Speech from the South Portico
Phaedrus007: President Obama and Secretary Shinseki (VA)
Phaedrus007: President Obama Introduces the Wounded Warriors
Phaedrus007: Starting the Race
Phaedrus007: Brothers in Service
Phaedrus007: Cheering on the Wounded Warriors
Phaedrus007: Wounded Warrior Lap Around the South Lawn
Phaedrus007: Photos with the President
Phaedrus007: Thanking the Troops
Phaedrus007: Commander in Chief
Phaedrus007: Listening to Servicemembers
Phaedrus007: President Obama