Phae: I really missed this face while I was away this week! And boy did he miss me!
Phae: Hrm. Raindrops, smoke, tinderbox conditions.
Phae: I really want to go home... but I don't want to leave.
Phae: Liana is a junior ranger again. :)
Phae: At the mouth of Subway Cave
Phae: Burney Falls
Phae: Birthday Selfie
Phae: Our duck friend.
Phae: We climbed this bad boy.
Phae: Painted Dunes
Phae: Looking into the mouth of an ancient volcano.
Phae: That's Lillie & Liana taking a break on the way up Cinder Cone. It took us a while to get up 800ft at a 35% grade on cinders.
Phae: Inside Cinder Cone
Phae: She caught a lizard.
Phae: My Kids on Cinder Cone
Phae: Bumpass Hell
Phae: It's pretty here at Lassen Volcanic Nat'l Park
Phae: She gets into everything.
Phae: Wide Open Space
Phae: They blend in well.
Phae: Dragonfly
Phae: Michael on Manzanita Lake
Phae: Sulphur Works Mud Pots
Phae: Lassen Volcanic National Park
Phae: Lassen Volcanic National Park
Phae: Lassen Volcanic National Park
Phae: Lassen Volcanic National Park
Phae: Michael
Phae: Lillie
Phae: Lassen Volcanic National Park