Phae: Circle Wiggle Pant Repeat
Phae: Lady Dancing
Phae: Oreo
Phae: Lady is feeling better
Phae: You bore me.
Phae: Gross Out!!
Phae: Whatchoo lookin' at?
Phae: Lick.
Phae: I could totally take you.
Phae: Gaia, our 4 year old bearded dragon
Phae: Taste testing?
Phae: Will do tricks for romaine.
Phae: I stand alone.
Phae: Great googly moogly!
Phae: I can never resist the b&w version.
Phae: Guess What?!
Phae: This chicken.
Phae: Oreo the Attack Chicken pecks as Innocent Butterscotch looks on
Phae: Oreo would be very good roasted, with a buttery sage rub, says Valerie
Phae: Heh. My chicken and my friend. Don't they look cute.
Phae: Oreo and Valerie sitting in a tree...
Phae: Oreo & Butterfinger
Phae: Lady
Phae: I'm cozy.
Phae: Chillin' like a villain.
Phae: Yadeeeee
Phae: The Kitties
Phae: Lady wants to eat our chickens.
Phae: Butterscotch & Oreo
Phae: Freedom!