Phae: Our Family
Phae: Ozzie & Michael
Phae: Michael works on his fort
Phae: Michael Digging
Phae: Michael Digging
Phae: The boys play fight, the adults watch on
Phae: Ozzie & Michael
Phae: The big kids play in their beach fort
Phae: Michael & Lillie
Phae: Look! Sheep!
Phae: What a beautiful day!
Phae: Michael
Phae: My three
Phae: Classic Explore Photo
Phae: The Fam at Sea World
Phae: Splash Mountain
Phae: Bat Ray Exhibit
Phae: Michael and Lillie touch a Bat Ray
Phae: Michael and Lillie touch a Bat Ray
Phae: A close encounter for Michael
Phae: Michael the Shell Hunter
Phae: Wee!
Phae: The kids asked to pose for this shot :)
Phae: Michael shows me the sand dollar he found
Phae: Surprise!
Phae: Mine.
Phae: Hi Mom!
Phae: San Diego Zoo - The End
Phae: Michael at the San Diego Zoo
Phae: Michael